Today marked the first set of matches in our Year 10 Netball calendar and as such, the whole squad travelled to face the local opposition.
Present today were… Fivemiletown, Erne Integrated College, Devenish College, St. Kevin’s, Lisnaskea and ourselves. Both Mount Lourdes and St. Fanchea’s had to pull out last minute due to late return from Ski trips. This meant however, that each match was longer, giving more game time to the players.
From the off, it was obvious which schools had more match practice and which didn’t. Devenish college dominated throughout the Tournament – on saying that, we gave them a run for their money by putting up 4 points to their 5. Fivemiletown were hot on their heels, with the same one-point difference (as ourselves) between them. St Kevin’s and Erne Integrated and both under ‘New Management’ as regards their teacher coaches, so these teams are still feeling their way.
In all, it was a well-run, friendly Tournament. Great bouts of rivalry (alongside sportsmanship) were witnessed throughout the day making it all very enjoyable to watch.
1st – Devenish college -12 pts
2nd – Fivemiletown college – 9 pts
3rd – Enniskillen Royal – 6 pts
A great day had by all, made better by bringing home some ‘bling’