On the afternoon of Tuesday 14th February, Year 8 took part in a Numeracy afternoon. This consisted of a series of Mathematical puzzles and problems, followed by a quiz and a treasure hunt. Benaughlin were the clear winners of the quiz as two of their teams took 1st and 2nd place. All teams were awarded House Points for participation and all the points will be added to the grand total. We finished off a fun afternoon with juice and shortbread from the canteen, which was enjoyed by all. Alongside this we had ‘Guess the number of sweets in the tub’ ongoing on both sites. There were 257 sweets in both tubs and the closest guesses went to Chris McHugh on the Cooper Crescent site and Freya Miller on the Lough Shore site; they both won a tub of sweets. With both events, we raised £141.96 for NSPCC which was brilliant. Thank you to everyone!