Congratulations to our newly elected Student Leadership Team who today were presented with their badges at Assembly. As heads of the student body they will play an important role in the life of the school, and will be exemplary role-models and ambassadors representing the ethos of ERGS. Throughout their term of office they are responsible not only for leading their peers, but also for representing them and the school to the wider community. We wish the team all the very best of luck as they embark on their leadership journey.
- Head Girl: Darcey Crawford
- Head Boy: Eamon Greene
- Deputy Head Girls: Olivia Black & Emily-Jane Bloomfield
- Deputy Head Boys: James Morrison & Patrick Williams
- Senior Prefects: Katherine Armstrong, Olivia Beavis, Amara Brady, Eve Courtney, Bethany England, Amanda Farrell, Ben Fawcett, Elisha Gallagher, Anna Gilmore, Carly Graham, Tadhg Hambly, Tegan Hannigan, Oran Harty, Isaac Hutchinson, Amos Johnston, Oliver Khew, Finn Maguire, Edie McCallum, Brendan Munar, Victoria Murray, John O’Kane, Zac Palmer, Treasa Parolical, Noah Quigley, Aimee Ross, Isla Rowland, Cameron Smith, Christopher Surphlis, James Trotter, Daragh Tyson, Sarah Walsh & Anna Wilson