As a school community we are going to run the Christmas Hamper Appeal again this year. Last year the whole school community helped to provide much needed food and other items to many people in our local community at Christmas. We hope to do the same again this year. We will again have a house charity focus with house points given to those pupils who contribute.
We are asking each form class across the school to make a Christmas hamper for the Enniskillen Foodbank, to be delivered to families in our local area in time for Christmas.
To try to make the process easier and ensure a good range of items for the hampers, a list of items has been created. Each member of a form class who wants to get involved takes responsibility for getting 1 or 2 of the items in the list for the hamper.
School Council Reps/Form captains/Deputy form captains, with the help of their form tutor will co-ordinate the allocation and collection of their form’s Christmas Hamper. All Student Council Reps/form captains/deputy form captains will be given a list of items and instructions/deadlines before the end of Wednesday.
Christmas Hamper Appeal List 2020
Items for the hampers are to be returned to the form rooms and the Student Council Reps/form captains/deputy form captains again with the help of their form tutor, keep a record of the items returned.
This year, we are going to use 2 Bags for life for the hampers very Kindly donated by TESCO Enniskillen, these will be placed in the rooms before the middle of next week.
Allocating items during form time by Friday 27th November
Returning items to the form rooms by Monday 7th December
Hampers collected from rooms from Tuesday 8th December onwards