As we end week four of Lockdown 2, with what looks like at least another 4 weeks to go…the good news is that the learning is still going strong and pupils across the school continue to impress and submit some outstanding work demonstrating commendable effort and enthusiasm – Well done everyone!
A superb set of creative colour wheel designs produced by Art pupils, Alfie Pattison, Hughie Beddard, Iona Clarke, Chloe Giles and Lin Rou Zang in 8C this week – a special mention however must go to Jake Hinchcliffe and William Moore who also managed to make their colour wheels into a tribute to Fermanagh’s fondness for Tractors ! – Mrs Shaw
Year 8D have showcased their creativity skills through the completion of their mood-board task. It is evident that each mood-board clearly displays the various topics covered within Home Economics this year. Each pupil has presented their mood-board in a unique and expressive way. Well done, Year 8! – Ms Wynne
Some more great examples of homemade made cell models by Science pupils in 8E – Well done – Mr Gallagher
Year 8 – ‘The Tempest ‘ by William Shakespeare. We have been studying the plot and the characters and also investigating Shakespeare’s language. As preparation for the pupils’ performances of an extract from Act1 Sc2.(a quarrel between Caliban and Prospero) everyone had to compile a three word insult selected from a list of some Shakespeare’s most colourful adjectives. Here are some examples from 8C – Mrs McDowell
Learning for Life and Work, year 8A & D have been discussing their skills and qualities. What an amazing group of multi-talented pupils as we can see in examples of work provided by Abbey Johnston, Jason Little, Abbey Wilson, Callum Nobel, Dean Beacom-Hamilton, Lily McFarland, Emily Black, Shane Evans and Tori Davis.- Ms Stephenson
Emily Black in 8A has shown off some very impressive cake decorating skills which she shared with her Home Economics teacher, Mrs Donald. What talent!
Year 9 HE pupilshave been busy ‘cooking up a storm’ with their creation of Herby Fish Fingers. As part of this unit they watched a video of their teacher carrying out a cookery demonstration as to how to incorporate the advice of one of the tips into their diet – ‘Eat More Fish.’ The presentation skills displayed by each student was admirable and Miss Wynne and Mrs Kettyle were very proud of the sheer passion and effort displayed by all the students in year 9. Keep up the outstanding work, Year 9!! – Miss Wynne & Mrs Kettyle
Year 9 Art & Design pupils explored the theme of Portraiture from a realist and abstract perspective. Pupils completed a realist tonal self-portrait which was then transformed into a Cubist inspired abstract outcome.
In addition, and as a means of encouraging pupils to think and work in an abstract way, remote learning offered the opportunity to use the Jamboard app. Working collaboratively 9D had lots of fun creating a continuous line abstract portrait. – Mrs O’Donohue
Three lovely Conceptual Silhouettes produced by Year 9 pupils Adam Cathcart, Luke Smith and Eloise McDonagh – Mrs Shaw
Examples of great work in from 10D Geographers . These pieces are excellent as the pupils have really grasped the skill of expanding their points which is the key to success in Geography. Well done Emily Farrell & Heather McCaffrey. – Mrs Armstrong
The rowers of ERBC have taken on a 5 week Virtual Malin to Mizen Head Challenge (580 Km) to raise much needed funds for Action Mental Health and RNLI to help them with work in the local community. The Challenge was set by Mr Holland to keep the rowers motivated while they were off the water and training at home under the current COVID restrictions. This is an opportunity for the Club to keep up their fitness levels while raising money for 2 local charities. The challenge can be completed by erging, running, cycling and walking.
To support the rowers many of the Club’s coaches, parents and supporters have also signed up for the Challenge giving themselves until Easter to complete the 580 Km. Yr13 pupil Tim Murphy was the first of the rowers to complete the Challenge in only 17 days followed closely by Shannon Clawson who only joined the Club in September and Aine McCaffrey. Mrs Conway
Many of our teacher and pupils have been experimenting with software packages that allow us to take online learning to an NEW level of teacher pupil interaction during live lessons. Here is a great example of a ‘Padlet discussion board’ used by Mrs McIntosh with her Yr11 GCSE PE pupils looking at participation in physical activity.
Yr11 GCSE RE pupils have been studying the topic of Festivals and Celebrations within the Christian Church. In preparation for their revision, the use of the ‘Movie Strip Notes’ technique to reduce, simplify and sequence a large amount of text into a more manageable amount has proven really helpful when looking the events of Holy Week within the Christian calendar – Here are a few great examples – Mr Beddard
This week ALL Year 12 pupils have been engaged in their ‘Online’ GCSE MOCKS done through Goggle Classroom to a strict timetable and following a specific set of examination rules and expectations. With 100% attendance and engagement their work ethic, resilience and determination to keep going and try their best has been utterly superb and exemplifies their character as an outstanding year group. Despite the constant ‘curve balls’ thrown at them over the last 12 months, they have just kept going – a VERY proud Mr Beddard
Year 13 Geographers worked collaboratively this week using ‘Jamboard’ to share the key points of the Pakistan floods 2010 and build their essay response. Its nice to get the opportunity to do some remote group-work while developing understanding and skills. Mrs Goodman
Year 14 German have successfully been using “Jamboard” as a shared whiteboard during live lessons to share ideas on recent topics like “Diskrimierung” (discrimination) and key events in the novel they are studying.