All pupils are to maintain a standard of behaviour and presentation of which they, their families and their school would be proud and a standard which allows them to retain their self-respect.
Pupils are expected to keep to this Code of Conduct at all times, whether in school or out of school. This covers any kind of field-trip, sporting event, foreign school trip or outing organised by or through the school. It also includes travel to and from school.
1. The school rules on uniform must be followed unless specific exemption has been granted.
2. Pupils may not leave school at any time during the school day without the authorisation of the Principal. The school day includes break and lunchtime.
3. All parts of the school buildings and grounds must be kept tidy and free of litter. School property and notices are not to be defaced or damaged.
4. Consideration for others must be shown both in the classroom and when moving around the school. Noise must be kept to a minimum at change of classes and pupils should move quickly keeping to the left of the corridors. Pupils must give way to members of staff and visitors in corridors and at doorways. Running is forbidden in the corridors and on the stairs.
5. Pupils must knock before entering a classroom when the class is in session.
6. Pupils should not participate in any form of anti-social behaviour such as bullying, fighting, use of inappropriate language, both inside and outside of school, including when travelling by school transport.