It is good news for those in Yr12 about to sit mock examinations because according to recent research mocks are great for students’ brains. According to the article mocks motivate students to start revision early as they create an earlier deadline than the summer and as most students are procrastinators this focuses their attention earlier.
Mocks are proven to improve knowledge and ability to recall information and studies have clearly shown that practice tests after a period of revision are beneficial. Practising under examination conditions is important too so that an examinee has a good idea of how long questions will take to answer and can work on their time management skills.
However, the most important aspect of mocks is that they inform pupils which topics they need to revise in more depth; mock examinations tell students what they don’t know as much as what they do know.
Please find below the Yr12 Mock Examination Timetable planned for 15th – 22nd January 2021.