There was plenty of Christmas cheer in the library today when we distributed the free Bookbuzz books just in time for an enjoyable Christmas read! Our students are really grateful for this lovely gift and here are just some of the comments on receiving their free book:
“I think getting a free Book Buzz book is a brilliant idea. It encourages people to read and they might choose something they would never have picked off the bookshelf (Finn, Year 8)
“I feel so lucky to get a Bookbuzz book for free, it is so sweet that we can choose a book from an amazing variety and get it just in time for Christmas” (Jori, Medani year 8)
“In my opinion, I think that the Bookbuzz scheme helps encourage children to read more often by giving them a free book” (Year 8 pupil)
“I think that Bookbuzz is great as it gives me the chance to share and connect with other people” (Aimee Nixon Year 8).