The inaugural meeting of the School Council took place this afternoon in the Lakeland Youth Centre. Thirty four representatives attended where the meeting kicked off with ice-breakers, allowing the pupils to mix together and get better acquainted with each other. Mr Beddard and Mrs Kettyle facilitated sessions on devising a School Council Code of Conduct and a Strapline before launching the two main projects for this term, Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Appeal and an Anti-Litter Campaign.
School Council members will share details of the Shoe Box appeal with their Form Classes over the next few days. Filled shoe boxes should be left at Reception on either site by 3.30pm on Friday 22nd November 2019. The members were tasked with going back to their respective Form Classes to capture pupil voice on what issues they would like to see being addressed by the Council during 2019-20. The next meeting will take place in early December.