Mrs Armstrong is inviting all KS3 pupils to take part in a Geography Themed Christmas Card House Competition. Pupils can design a card based on any geographical theme. It could be a festive scene with greetings in a different language or it could be a Christmas scene with a geographical twist – Santa flying past a volcano or famous skyline, for example.
Christmas cards must be A5 in design (a folded piece of A4 paper/card). They should be clearly marked with the student’s name, form class and house.
This is a Bronze Level House Event. Every entrant will receive a house point. First prize will score 20 house points, second prize will score 15, 3rd 10 and 4th 5. There will also be a chocolate based prize for the winners.
Entries must be submitted to Mrs Armstrong’s pigeon hole (CC Staff Room) by Friday 15th December.