All donations from last Friday’s activities have now been counted and we have raised an impressive £370 for the NSPCC.
The tubs of sweets had 189 sweets in both of them. The winners of the ‘Guess the Number of Sweets’ are as follows:
LS Site – The closest guess was Aaron Elliott 14F
CC Site – The joint winners are Erin Farry 8E and Rachel Cullinan 9E.
Given that so many bought Dingbat sheets, we have decided to offer a second prize also.
The winner of the £20 cinema voucher is: Cameron Aiken 9A
The winner of the £10 cinema voucher is: Emma Smith 9F
Number Hunt entries will be finalised this week and house points added to to ‘Totalometer’ by Friday.
Well done and thank you to everyone involved and a particular thank you must go to Mrs McCordick, the Maths Department and our charity prefect team for their input and organisation. Well done all!!