The PSNI and Public Health Agency have asked us to highlight the danger of vaping unregulated substances. A significant number of young people across Northern Ireland have become ill and/or have been hospitalised following vaping and the PSNI and PHA are keen to spread this important message to keep our young people safe and prevent further suffering and harm. The following points were made in their communication:
- It is illegal to purchase any vaping equipment including liquids and devices under the age of 18.
- Some vape oils can contain a synthetic drug often referred to by its street name, ‘Spice.’
- Labels on vape oils can often be inaccurate and misleading.
- Synthetic cannabinoids (Spice) are a Class B controlled drug and it is therefore illegal to supply or possess them.
- The addition of Synthetic cannabinoids to vape oils can pose significant health concerns and also poses a high risk of poisoning.
- The consumption of such products has at times led to the person experiencing breathing difficulty, chest pains, palpitations, tremors, seizures, collapse and unconsciousness. Some reactions can take place quickly after the substance is inhaled and require immediate medical attention. In cases of extreme poisoning it can be fatal. A significant detrimental impact on the mental health of users has also been noted with the onset of mood swings, anxiety and paranoia.