What a great evening at our Rugby Club’s annual 5K sponsored run. The sun was out, the food was good and the craic was great!
We had well over 100 runners on the day and managed to raise close to £4000!!!! Thank you to all the coaches and parents that helped out on the day and a special thanks must go to Kettyle Irish Foods for providing the delicious burgers for all the runners.
The winners of the run were Yr9 Harry McKenzie and Yr11 Annabelle morrison who both received a Between The Bridges Enniskillen voucher.
Yr9 Felix Rowland won the kicking competition and also received a voucher.
The prizes for the most money raised will be awarded after the weekend when the total has been confirmed. If anyone still has money to bring in please leave it to reception on either site in an envelope with your name on it and “5K Run” written on it also.
Thanks again to everyone and one final reminder that the Rugby Awards Dinner is on the 12th April in the Killyhevlin. Rugby players will all receive a letter about this next week at school.