St Mary’s University College would like to offer Year 13 or 14 students the opportunity to attend a ‘Taster’ session during the week of Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2019. Tasters will be offered in a variety of subjects and will include attending a lecture in a chosen subject area. They are primarily intended for the following groups: school pupils who missed Open Days and are very unsure about higher education; pupils who are the first in their family to consider HE and who would like to know more; disabled pupils; care experienced young people; mature students; or any pupil who may have additional support needs. Tasters last approximately 2 hours and participants will have the opportunity to talk to College staff and current students.
Please see below a timetable of lectures available during the week. Please note that opportunities to attend a taster in Science occurs a week earlier –Thursday 24th & Friday 25th October 2019.
Interested students should email Susan Morgan to book a session. Their email should include their name and which subject lecture and time they are interested in attending. Alternatively, telephone admissions on +44 (0) 28 9026 8320. Booking is on a first come, first served basis and numbers are limited.