As the tension builds in Stormont this week with the deadline to come to an agreement looming, All of ERGS Yr10 and Yr13 Government and Politics pupils paid Parliament Buildings a brief visit to see if we could give things a nudge in the right direction.
Pupils all had the chance to take a tour of the Great Hall and even get into a few debates within the Assembly Chamber and Senate. Motions on the legalisation of same sex marriage as well as the introduction of legislation on introducing financial competence to the post primary curriculum were proposed, debated and voted upon whilst engaging MLAs in Q & A sessions on their day to day roles. MLAs David Ford (Alliance), Rosemary Barton (UUP) and Colm Gildernew (Sinn Fein) were on hand to welcome the pupils and we would like to thank them for their time and input to a very worthwhile and interesting visit.