Bit of a different day weather-wise for jumping this week!! Didn’t put our teams off though!
The two Novice teams jumped early at Numbers 2 and 5.
Team 2 (comprising Hannah Jones, Tiana-Grace Abbott & Lucie-Anne Abbott) started us off. Hannah Jones was back on her new pony ‘Brownhill Belle’. Fantastic to see her out jumping again and posting a great double clear to start the day. Look forward to many more appearances Hannah!! Next up was Tiana-Grace on Echo. Despite Echo being a bit skittish, TG jumped the first phase clear and in the second phase, was jumping fence 10 when she had a fall. Fortunately (after giving us all a bit of a scare), she was able to walk out of the arena! Phew! Next in was Lucie-Anne on Bobby. Having watched her sister, I was impressed at her composure, keeping her head, and having a great round with just one pole down (the dastardly fence 10 again)!!
Team 1 went 5th and comprised Lucie-Anne, Tiana-Grace, Tori Lilly and Annabelle McKenzie. With the rain pouring down, Lucie-Anne walked Echo into the Arena and took it steady. They jumped very well together and got a double clear. Tiana-Grace then went in on Bobby, also taking it steady. She proved that a little fall is nothing, as she also had a double clear. Next to go was Tori on William, having seen the two older girls get double clears, she was game on to do the same! Cutting a corner to get a faster time, she also brought in a great double clear. Finally, jumping for ERGS for the first time on her new pony Abbey, was Annabelle. Totally undaunted- she went in and had a fabulous round, producing the 4th double clear for our team. So proud of these teams today (and always). As they were packing up to go, we were lying in 2nd place! Not a bad start to the morning! Hope TG isn’t too stiff later on .
Well done also to Rebecca-Jane as she competed in both the 85cm (@11.45am [#16] ) and the 1m Individuals (@2.30pm [#22] ) today. She had a great couple of rides in the sunshine. In the 85s, she had one refusal during the 1st phase and a clear 2nd phase. In the 1m, she had one pole down in the 1st phase and a clear 2nd phase. The 2nd phase is always the timed section, so more pressure is on.
In all, a good day once again for the ERGS show jumpingteam. Look forward to having the full compliment back in 2 weeks’ time.
Thanks to all riders and parents for a wet then sunny day out .
Next competition is Week 3 on the 16th October.