We really need to hear from young people in Fermanagh, a great opportunity for you to have your voice heard and contribute to the development of services in your area!!????????
We are hoping to get together a group of young people for a quick conversation with the Department for Communities. They have questions they’d like to ask young people in Fermanagh, I’ve listed a few below – this is open you all young people ????
We will be meeting in Fermanagh House for an hour / hour and half on 26th June at 4.00pm and we will have refreshments.
Participation in this event would be great on a young persons UCAS form or C.V
If you can attend, please click on this link :
The Department for Communities is reviewing its People and Place Strategy for Northern Ireland. The Strategy is 20 years old and looks at disadvantage in urban and rural areas.
The Department wants to meet with young with lived experience of Enniskillen to talk to them about challenges you face and hear how you think they might be overcome and your ideas. some of the questions are below
Q1: As a young person in Enniskillen what is it like to live where you live…what is good and what could be better?
Q2: As a young person in Enniskillen, how would you describe your experience of accessing the services you need to support you and those for whom you care in your daily life here?
Q3: From your perspective or that of a young person from Enniskillen, what types of challenges/ barriers do you or others face in accessing public services you need?
Q4: What top five things need to be undertaken to make designing and accessing the public services young people need?
Q5: In five years’ time, how would you like to describe the delivery of the public services needed to support young people in Enniskillen? What difference could this make? What does good look like?
Q6: What types of projects or initiatives do you think need to be developed that could make public service delivery better, more coordinated and more responsive to your needs?
Q7: What type of community development supports do you think need to be made available to improve service delivery or uptake by young people?