As we end week 6 of Lockdown 2 and finish for a couple of well deserved ‘Wellbeing’ days and February Half Term, pupils, staff and parents have continued to impress with their engagement in the remote learning experience- Well done everyone!
ERGS Wellbeing Challenge to mark Children’s Mental Health Week 1st-7th February was designated as children’s Mental Health Week and to mark this the pastoral focus in ERGS for that week was to promote good mental wellbeing so the pupils were set a challenge to upload a photograph of an activity they completed to promote their own mental wellbeing. Please enjoy a selection of photos of the activities that the pupils from Year 8 & 9 took part in. – Mrs Kettyle
The year 8 pastoral team have celebrated every birthday over lockdown using ‘Padlet’. Pupils access the link on their Year 8 Hub and can hit the like button to wish someone a Happy Birthday!! – Mr McDevitt
8C painted their first colour wheel in Art and Design. Accurate colour mixing requires a lot of time and skill and they have all done so well! – Mrs Shaw
Congratulations to Year 8 & 9 students who achieved full marks in their Book Buzz Quiz – Miss McElmurray
An excellent piece of English work from Henry Maxwell in 8D. It is excellent because he has used language techniques and punctuation devices for added impact and he has also included an excellent range of vocabulary to enhance his writing. – Mr McMahon
African Music – Years 8 & 9 – Following some study of instrumental and vocal African Music, pupils have made Djembe drums and we have had fun trying some live classes and interactive drumming videos. Pupils have been composing and improvising patterns and although time lag can be an issue when working live as a class it was great to be able to share in some music making together! Below are some great examples of drums which pupils have made as well as recordings of individual work and a recording of the unusual Kalimba which is a type of thumb piano like the African Mbira. Well done to our pupils for such excellent engagement in this work! Mrs Bloomfield
A Recording of Polyrhythms, layered using Garage band – by Erin Trimble
Audio PlayerComposing and Improvising – Ryan Graham
Year 9 HE students have displayed outstanding writing skills when expressing the importance of the Eatwell Guide as a tool for eating healthy. Emma Fawcett (9A) and Eloise Mc Donnagh (9E) really impressed Miss Wynne with their knowledge and understanding of the Eatwell Guide and both students were able to use ‘higher order thinking skills’ in terms of applying their answer to a year 9 student. – Miss Wynne
Eloise Mc Donnagh 9E – Eatwell Guide Emma Fawcett 9A – Eatwell GuideFor their KS3 Grade Card assessment in ICT, pupil were required to produce a ‘Parents Guide to Social Media’ for an App of their choice. Here are just a few excellent examples which may be quite useful for some parents – Mrs McIntosh
Jason Little – A guide to Snap Chat
Luke Smith – A guide to Instagram
Ryan Graham – A guide to WhatsApp
As part of their Leaning for life & Work Employability topic, 10C produced some excellent Personal Career Plan (PCP) posters around their life goals and ambitions, With GCSE options on the horizon, this has been a great exercise to get pupils thinking about their future pathways – Mrs McIntosh
Here are two excellent examples of Active Acids research by Year 10 Chemistry pupils, Leonie Harron 10D and Kyle Cadden 10C– Dr Wilson
10B continued with their Photography Project, this time focusing on Pattern. They have proven that you can take incredibly beautiful photographs of mundane, everyday objects. – Mrs Shaw
Similarly 10A continue to work on their photography projects producing 3 Galleries on Pattern, Line and Light & Shadows – just click on the links below – Ms Stephenson
Thank you to KS3 Geographers for all their lovely ‘Signs of Spring’ photos relating to our Geography enrichment task. Here are some of the best: – Mrs Armstrong
Mrs Armstrong’s Year 11 LLW class had fun trying out the new breakout room feature of Google Meets. We used it to complete a group work task researching causes and impacts of conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and Kosovo. It was nice to be able to talk in smaller groups. – Mrs Armstrong
GCSE Music Year 11 During lockdown, the pupils have been continuing to develop their understanding of ‘The Language of Learning’ through use and application of Key Terms in context of their study of Film Music. They have analysed the score and developed Aural Perception skills on Superman which is one of the Set works of study for GCSE. The pupils were encouraged to work in pairs/small groups online to develop extended writing answers on some of the main elements of the work including Timbre, Melodic, Harmonic and Rhythmic features. This is to develop their skills for extended writing in aural examination answers at GCSE level next year. Here are some examples of excellent responses from pupils – Mrs Bloomfield
Yr11 Physicists have been using ‘Jamboard’ again this week with Mr Sloane, who used it or a plenary session on GCSE Physics Unit 5 – Force and Newton’s Laws. They illustrate good knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and formula covered in this topic. Well done Year 11 for engaging positively with the remote learning on this topic. Keep up the good work. Mr. Sloane.
The Year 12 Drama class had a very successful first read through on ‘Janus’, a radio play by Mrs McDowell. Looking forward to getting rehearsals under way after half term – Mrs Rees
A2 Biology students work collaboratively remotely using ‘Breakout rooms’ and ‘Jamboard’ to discuss and solve genetic problems. Dr McCallister